Hawthorn Road

Located on the main road of the Caulfield South Neighbourhood Centre, the site is in a fantastic location for multi-dwelling development. With accessible tram and bus routes and local amenities, the site is encouraged to develop both commercial and residential uses to cater for the community. The podium seeks to have an active street front. A feature awning has been designed for the ground floor that will be occupied by shops, providing an engaging interface to Hawthorn Rd and Olive Street. The remaining upper levels of the podium will be of residential use, with the tower above the podium setback to moderate visual bulk and distinguish itself from the podium. Penthouse apartments have been designated on the top floor with a continuous balcony wrapping around the apartments providing ample natural sunlight and unimpeded views for residents. Responding to the surrounding environment, the materials chosen reflect the characteristics of the local neighbourhood, with feature brickwork grounding the podium and blending it in with the existing streetscape. Lighter finishes and materials for the tower above will bring a contemporary finish to the design.